Tag Archives: elaquent

Superduty Toughwork :: Ben Buck Blasts Into (iN)Sect Records Fold With ‘B-Sides (Remixes And Flips)’

Triple Trouble :: BoomBaptist, Juicy The Emissary And Elaquent Release ‘Komfort Food’

You’ve seen the posts about the singles, but the moment of truth has finally arrived.  I’m sharing the release of Komfort Food directly off the strength of the parties involved : BoomBaptistJuicy the Emissary and Elaquent are all well known for their diverse and impactful production, so I know that I don’t need to have heard Komfort Food to know it’s an instant classic.  Trust me, I’ll definitely be bumping it this weekend, but in the meanwhile, why don’t you go ahead and give it a listen?  Maybe cop it?  Definitely share it around.


Snack Attack :: BoomBaptist Reveals More From ‘Komfort Food’

After Juicy the Emissary dropped Yumy/Muny last week, the anticipation for the upcoming Komfort Food project hit hard nearly instantly.  Before my post even saw the light of day the following Monday, however, the homie BoomBaptist swooped in with not only the Komfort Food cover art and merchandise pre-orders, but he dropped two additional tracks from the project : his classic track Toucan Wing, and an Elaquent track titled The Official.  At this point, I’m definitely hype for the January 29th release of Komfort Food, and I hope you are too.


Groove Food :: Juicy The Emissary Hits Listeners With ‘Yumy/Muny’

Are you ready for a super-collaboration from some of the dopest producers around?  After hearing Juicy the Emissary‘s latest single, the super groovy Yumy/Muny, I know I am… it appears that this single is the opening salvo off of Komfort Food, an upcoming collaboration between Elaquent, BoomBaptist and Juicy the Emissary.  I don’t know when it’s coming out, but I promise you I will be posting about it when it does, so keep your eyes and ears open.  In the meanwhile, why don’t you check out this track, share it around, and drop Juicy a buck if you’ve got it?
